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Tips on How to Get Quality Backlinks Pagerank Alexa

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Create a website / blog you are on the first page of google search / SERP is the dream of every blogger and internet marketer. One necessary condition so that you can realize that dream, website / blog you must have a lot of quality backlinks from sites that have high PR or PageRank, do follow and relevant.
So the more backlinks your website berikualitas owned, the more likely your website is the most honorable position google. Backlink itself is a link that refers to your site from other websites, this way you will be posting more quickly in Google SERP engine indexing process itself, the more backlinks that are owned by a website, will be the more visitors that come to your site or the website.
At this time I post I will discuss in a very easy and fast course to get a lot of quality backlinks, this method is not actually very effective now, since any updates or new versions of google panda, because google just want to put the website by category posts or update only quality articles, your website is guaranteed no.1 in google search results or SERP, meaning that you simply make the article interesting as possible without having to have a lot of backlinks to your blog / website (no copy and paste).

Below This Is How To Get Quality Backlinks Quickly :

1. Commenting On Blogs
It is no secret that the comments on the blogs of others can increase the backlinks. Especially on the blog have high PR and dofollow anyway. Comment on other people's blogs is still the most powerful way, fast and easy to get backlinks berikualitas, you just need to be diligent blogwalking. This is a proven way to get traffic for example this blog. To get your backlinks simply put Name / URL in the comment box and fill in the URL address of your website / blog, can also comment on this post.

2. Forum
Commenting on the forum can generate backlinks for your website. You just need to put your backlinks in the forum signature. Swordfish all forums giving out permits to make a signature, but also remember to put your link in the post that connects to the internet about, blog, computer. for example you could use online discussion forums Indonesia in Kaskus.co.id

Classified ads can increase your backlinks, especially classified ad sites that have high pagerank and is also free of course, there is also a paid classified ad, but it all depends on your desires like a free or fee-remember that there are different letters "R" and no "R "

3.Link Exchange
Exchanging links between websites / blogs can increase the backlinks as well, especially if you refer blog link exchange has a high pagerank. You can also exchange links with this blog please Click Here

4. MLM System
Get backlinks by MLM system is one of the best ways to increase your backlinks and PageRank, backlinks will continue to grow as the arguably even while you sleep. Others will help create backlinks to your website / blog.

5. Profile Sites
Profile sites is the way to get backlinks by putting your website link profile of a website, blogger profile example, GooglePlus

6. Social Bookmark
Social bookmarking is useful to bring traffic in addition to a very much in a short time, it can also add a backlink to your website or blog. Depending on how interesting and tred whether the information you submit to a social bookmarking site,

For example like BlogMarkit.Info. you can search in google with the keyword "Social Bookmark Dofollow"

7. Automatic Link Exchange
Automatic link exchange with link exchange in general. Only the difference could finished automated. So you just need to put a banner or text link provider of automatic link exchange websites on your website and click dibanner or the text link. Automatic website or blog will get backlinks.

For example sites: counters4u.com and others, you can search in google with keywords: "Automatic Link Exchange"
8. Social Network
Social network or a network of friends can also generate quality backlinks, but you also need to consider the social network that has a high PageRank yan and also do follow.

example: www.slashdot.org. and you can also search other sites in google with the keyword "Do follow social networks

9. Blog Network
Blog Network is similar to Article Marketing but the difference is you write an article with a rather large amount or large in another blog belonging to the first group in the network link. This method is also very good and fast to get a lot of quality backlinks, because your article will appear in many other blogs that are relevant to you in the form of blog posts and comments is not great again undetected duplicate content, because typically Blog Network using content spinner to avoid duplicate content .

Examples of the free blog network: Bloggers.com, FreeTrafficSystem.com, and still many others you can find it with the keyword "Blog Network Free"

10. Directory
Submit your article or website to directories can also generate quality backlinks since many directories that have pagerank STAYED and do follow anyway. Directories can be blog directories, RSS directories, article directories and other directories.

For example I use the directory: FreePRwebDirectory.com

and many others you can search by keyword: "Do follow directory list"

11. Article Marketing
Article Marketing is one of the ways to get backlinks very good. Article Marketing is what I mean here is to write a lot of articles in article directories that have a high Pagerank. In this way, the website or blog you will get quality backlinks and permanent.

That's some basic ways to get backlinks fast latest berikualitas, and apologize if there are errors in the writing of the word, and so thank you.

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