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10 Tips to Improve Instagram Followers

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Instagram is a mobile application that allows users to share their pictures to other users via instagram or social networking site. Currently, the application is only found in devices using the Android and iPhone operating system. There are several. As the media uploader photograph the most widely used today, many ordinary users who have the same question:

How do I get more followers on Instagram ?

Have a lot of them who already have a follower with the booming number to hundreds of thousands in their Instagram account. Learn from those who already have it, the following tips to increase your follower instagram account :

1. Spread the announcement.
Announce your presence on Instagram using the channels that we have today is a good start. For that publish our accounts at: signature (signature) in email, newsletter, Facebook, or Twitter. Explain to them will Instagram, because it could be a lot of new ones hearing this application.

2. Promote Your Instagram Account.
Insert link your instagram profiles on social networking sites that you follow or invite your friends to become followers for you.

3. Give a like, comment and constructive criticism.
Do not just be a passive follower. You can give like for their pictures and also provide useful and interesting comments. It will attract others to join to comment and you'll get an extra few followers.

4. Use the hastag relevant.
Find hastag in accordance with the theme that we have. Eg #iPhonesia for iphone users, #fashion, #design or the other. And like other social media, the relationship between content and interactions are also necessary here. Tells us that we exist and will greatly help real attachment relationships with followers and potential followers.

5. Insert location of your pictures.
This way will allow people who are looking for a specific location based'll find your photo. This is almost the same as how to insert tags on your photos. The difference is you can simply add a description of where the photo was taken.

6. Content.
Content is everything, as well as on Instagram. Continuously try to send a photo with consistently. Can also enlist the help of friends who are used to playing in social media to better disseminate the photographs that we have to be distributed to more people. Do not just upload only because we did not use it long. Do not think of Instagram as a channel just for photo storage from excess.

7. Plan Content.
Many are starting to upload as many photos to Instagramnya account. So also with no sorting photos, upload and give hastag origin. Many have suggested, to simply upload 3-4 photos a day. And please do not upload the same time / at once. Because maybe it will meet the timeline with our followers and lead to diputusnya friendships, alias unfollow.

8. Run a contest.
This is also done by the brand owner. This is an example of further involvement. As well as a longer relationship that exist on Twitter and Facebook, the election winner should also get extra consider. Wear also hastag unused, so you can easily monitor the submissions of followers of the contest.

9. Friends with influencers instagram.
Now many bloggers who have a relationship with the brand for the purposes of promotion, endorse or also using the product. This means that we can also use their services to better introduce the contest to make it known that we have their followers. Can also hire them to cover, take photographs at our events and invite their own guests in instagram account that we manage. It's also good to make a brand that we manage also got a trend of those directly involved in it.

10. Use the services of a third party.
The interface is very appropriate to share Instagram photos but not ideal for trying to grow the account. There are various websites that can be used to manage accounts, track number, like number, post comments, solicitation follow, etc. Some examples are worth a try are Statigram and Followgram, who does everything you can do on Instagam except posting photos, or also Instagrid, the best way to see the gallery hashtag.

Overall, if you work for a brand that is concerned with the value in Instagram, does not mean to close the application after you post a photo. Instagram community is very interested in photography and social networking. This is our best interest to interact with followers and engaging with them as you would on other popular sites.

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