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Blackberry Messenger Immediate Release on Android and iOS

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The news is hard to believe, but the source is very strong. Blackberry Messenger available for Android users and iOS, Blackberry Messenger article is the main feature in the proud and reliable Blackberry users, what if this app can be downloaded freely by users Andoid? moreover this strategy, let's look at the news.

 BlackBerry, Bring BlackBerry Messenger to iOS and Android 
Back shocking news came from BlackBerry Live 2013 event in Orlando, USA. Soon, BlackBerry Messenger service (BBM) will be present in iOS and Android. BlackBerry CEO 

Thorstein Heins said that Blackberry Messenger - which has an exclusive on the BlackBerry OS - will soon open and present in other operating systems. "Starting this summer, Blackberry Messenger will be coming soon in the cross-platform," Heins said, on the BlackBerry Live event, which was attended by detikINET, Tuesday (05/14/2013).

"It is a testament to our commitment in developing Blackberry Messenger experience on another platform as a whole. Later, users can share messages and create a group," he added.
Heins added, Blackberry Messenger will support cross-platform version of the iDevice with iOS 6 and Android Ice Cream Sandwich to the top.

"Blackberry 10 gives us confidence in the presence of Blackberry Messenger is a messaging service that stands alone," he said.

source: http://inet.detik..com/read/2013/05/14/220920/2245991/317/blackberry-boyong-bbm-ke-ios-android

BlackBerry "Release" Blackberry Messenger to Android and iPhone
A "surprise" delivered BlackBerry in BlackBerry Live 2013 in Orlando, USA, on Tuesday (05/14/2013). Service "hero" they, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), will be available for Android and iOS.

BlackBerry CEO, Thorsten Heins said, BBM for other platforms will be available this summer for the iPhone (iOS 6 and above) and Android (Ice Cream Sandwich).

"This is a statement of our confidence that the BlackBerry 10 platform is good enough so that the fuel can be distributed to other systems," said Heins.

At first, BBM on Android and iOS will possess standard features like sending messages and the Group. However, Heins promised that more features will also be present. That includes, he said, BBM Video, Voice, and Screen Share.

Rumors about the presence of BBM on other platforms, especially Android, had been heard since 2012. Finally, on the mat BlackBerry Live in 2013, it was unveiled.

"We make the Blackberry Messenger platform is stronger than ever," said Heins.

In the same event, also announced new features BlackBerry Blackberry Messenger Channel is in the testing phase.

MessengerChannel Blackberry features will allow the formation of community-based Blackberry Messenger. Later Blackberry Messenger Channel will be utilized brand or celebrity.


Update : 

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