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Concept Android Version 5.0 Key Lime Pie

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You probably already know that Google is preparing Android update latest version is version 4.3. On the one hand, this news is a good news because it marks the regular Google released the latest firmware update them every year. On the other hand, the update is just an update minimalist and likely will not overhaul the look of a typical Jelly Bean.

But it did not dampen the developers and graphic designers who are not looking forward to the presence of Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie. One designer named Jinesh Shah has even designed a concept of User Interface Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is very cool.

User Interface design concept Jinesh Shah is still present and also update the lockscreen widget homescreen. Even using the concept of minimalist and clean, but the zoom is able to provide just enough information through the homescreen.

Lockscreen widget will display a summary of the user's activity schedule, complete with a map of the locations display preview upcoming activities. The concept belongs to Jinesh also do not forget to include the 'hidden' widget that can be accessed by using the swipe / gesture. The widgets will not be displayed on the homescreen if you do not need.

Here's a photo of Google+ Jinesh Shah :

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