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Tips to Download Facebook Account Information

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Who is not familiar with facebook? The successful social networking site to make users feel very comfortable using it. This is evidenced by the large number of social networking users. Either have reached several hundred million people who use facebook. It can not be predicted every day, because every day will continue to grow new accounts who want to enjoy this one social networking. Facebook is a social networking site today. And it can not be ignored anymore. Even that was once there is a social network that was widely used as frienster also now has never been heard from again because it can not compete with facebook. And perhaps the biggest rival social networking today is facebook twitter. Both are vying with each other to give the best.

as we have discussed earlier, Facebook continues to create a variety of new features that make users more happy to use facebook. One new feature is owned by facebook users can download all status, comments, photos and also our profile account information with just a few clicks away. No need to download them one by one, but can download them all at once. And that's what we will discuss this time.

Here are the steps to download facebook account information.

  • First of all, login to your facebook account. 
  • Click the Account menu and click Account Settings.
  • Scroll to the bottom and click the Download Your Information.
  • Then enter the password in the Verify Password and proceed to click the Continue button.
  • Click the Download button and wait until the process is completed to an email sent by the facebook.
  • Open the email and click the link that leads to facebook.
  • Then enter the password again and click the Download Now button.
  • Do not forget to save on your hard drive and extract the ZIP file format.
  • Finally, open the file results extractnya and double click on the index.html file and then you can access your information through a web browser you have.      

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