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Tips to Optimize Your DSLR Camera For The Excellent Results

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DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) is now no longer a luxury that is only used by professional photographers only. With a choice of DSLR camera models and prices are so diverse, of course, make a DSLR to buy according to their needs for work, hobby or for personal needs. Perhaps partly general users who use DSLR cameras feel insecure and jealous of the professional photographer because the result image generated by pro photographers more satisfying in comparison with a starting shots or cloud users alike when using a DSLR camera, it is perfectly natural because pro photographer certainly has the experience and knowledge over those who are beginners in comparison. therefore it does not hurt us to improve our ability in the field of photography even though we have not been called a professional photographer, but we also can produce drawings that are not less good. following we will discuss how to optimize your DSLR camera to be able to produce works of stunning photography.

Selection of Image FormatsDetermine the image format your shots because of the size and format is king in the world of photographers the higher the resolution the better the image of a photograph. At the current DSLR cameras, there are two options and RAW image format is JPEG. RAW image files are the result of a truly pure of processed sensor DSLR cameras without pilex no reduction at all. Do not worry about the application for processing RAW files because many image processing software that supports RAW formats.

Next is the JPEG format is an image format that has been in if the camera according to the settings you've previously set. Actually not prohibited from using the JPEG format on your digital SLR camera for you can outsmart that is by getting exposure and white balance right.

DSLR cameras are by and large it's been able to save files in two formats as well as RAW + JPEG it can give a lot of choice for novice photographers, but the use of these two formats will require extra storage space this is not a constraint for the moment because of the current memory this comes in a rather large size at an affordable price.

Use Autofocus
Usually the photographer will use a manual focus to take pictures of landscapes and portraits object. But we'll get into trouble when photographing moving objects such animals are moving or swaying flower by the wind because in addition to being easy to get focus when turning the lens will get a shock when not using tripod in this case it is better to use the camera's autofocus contained DSLR.

Generally, the current DSLR cameras have three options for autofocus mode :

  • Use Continuous Servo focus mode, this is perfect for photographing moving objects because with this mode the camera will focus on a moving object and its movement will continue to follow the objects are in perfect focus.
  • Use Dynamic focus mode, this will give you more points on your camera's focus mode is quite varied among DSLR cameras but commonly used pattern group 9-point shooting pattern for objects that have a one-way movement of objects such as cars drove. However, unlike the case when any moving object can not be predicted or you can choose the pattern of the larger group.   
  • Set the frame rate (number of frames or picture frames are shown every second of making moving pictures; expressed in units of fps (frames per second). Higher the fps the more subtle set of figures moving image frame rate on different DSLR cameras there is 5fps, 3.9 fps or 6.3fps to obtain satisfactory results you can be experimented with this frame size. 
Use the Image Stabilization
Lenses and DSLR Camera Sensor now has Image Stabilization technology this feature may result in a smoother and sharper images even on low light pick a location with speed 1/15 sec at ISO 6400 will get a sharp picture even though there is a shaking of the hands when actually holding the camera to reduce camera shake when using them in the future affect the result image. But if you have a tripod in this mode should turn off and even suggest some brand DSLR Image Stabilization mode to turn off when using a tripod.

Sensor Cleaning
Cleaning the sensor needs to be done on a DSLR camera as it will lot of dust that settle on many DSLR sensor DSLR cameras currently has Sensor Dry technology where the camera will automatically clean the sensor just like cleaning the printer head on the cartridge. But there are times when you need to manually clean the sensor needs to remember the camera sensor is very sensitive in membersikannya beware and use specialized cleaning the sensor perlalatan.

Use Depth-Of-Field Preview
Depth of field or depth of field (DOF) is the range of variation of the distance between the camera or the subject of the photo DSLE to produce variations of sharpness (focus) photo still acceptable (no blur), meaning that the depth of field is used to indicate a particular room in the photo special attention to the eye because of the difference in sharpness (focus). DOF preview button is a tool that lets us see the approximation (approximate result) photo will be recorded by DSLR cameras. So we only get to see an estimate given the view in the viewfinder will darken as the lens diaphragm shrinks. It is rather difficult to assess which are the focus or sharp object and which are not.

Use Noise Reduction
If you use the RAW format to take pictures for the optimization of postprocessing. such as sharpening, color saturation and contrast as well as other variables in Photoshop or other image processing applications. However, there is a setting that can be done in the camera settings to reduce noise is noise reduction.
When dusk shooting and photographing stars, this is a low-light situations and require a lens aperture of a second to more than an hour. Long exposure will result in excessive noise. Because the digital sensor heats resulting images obtained will generate noise that is quite annoying.
But now many who already have the DSLR has a noise reduction facility. Dark frame subtraction is a way to minimize image noise for pictures taken with a long exposure time (long exposure). It takes advantage of the fact that the noise component, which is known as fixed-pattern noise, are the same from one picture to another: the noise that comes from the sensors (dead or hot pixels). It works by taking a picture at the moment the shutter is closed. The camera then uses this method to identify hot pixels or noise and then eliminate them. If you have been using your DSLR camera is better to rest him after the new reusable to get clean results.

Experimented with White Balance
Calibration point is white or white balance is part of the color temperature / color temperature, which is considered to be a white color may vary depending on lighting conditions. The concept of "white" becomes not something absolute. With today's cameras you can perform white balance settings according to your taste can do it manually or use the automatic white balance mode in which the camera will automatically set it there can be experimented with the white balance so get a satisfactory picture.

So how to optimize your DSLR camera for a satisfactory outcome to remember to do experiment with your camera and many other terms or settings that can improve the quality of your photography work, may be useful.

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