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Who Wants to Try Blackberry Messenger on Android or iPhone

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I have previously posted about the news publishing " Blackberry Messenger Immediate Release on Android ", and this is the answer to the Blackberry it.

Initially, the first version of Blackberry Messenger for Android and iPhone will only offer the ability to chat and group. But Heins promising features such as Blackberry Messenger Voice, Screen Sharing and Blackberry Messenger Channel also recently confirmed the announcement will also be present at an advanced version of Blackberry Messenger for Android and iPhone.

The first version is already officially released, but only to registrants. The Blackberry Messenger so if you want to use in android, must register first. after definitive list later reportedly sent directly from blackberry to your email.
I do not know why should this, maybe to see how much interest the Blackberry Messenger to Android and the iPhone.

Well, for Android and iPhone users who want to enter in the first fleet to try out Blackberry Messenger for Android and iPhone, BlackBerry has opened online registration.

How to register? please visit this link:

and enter your email. Once registered, the user will be contacted back by the BlackBerry to be the first to feel the BBM on Android and iPhone.

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