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Android users must be alert !

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It turns out the problem PRSIM NSA and still continues today. This time there is a report saying that U.S. intelligence agencies are exploring the data from Android.Questioning the news wiretapping by the National Security Agency (NSA) for many large companies with a view to combating terrorism and crime soared since a rapid working in it named Edward Snowden divulge much about the U.S. intelligence agencies.Although these companies are accused of 'selling' the data to the NSA has been doing its disclaimers and denied involvement, but until now there is not one of those companies that provide concrete evidence that they are truly 'clean.'This time there was one word that was appointed by Android Authority (04/07), which says that the NSA was also 'embed' bugs in the operating system from Google, Android.Before tapping case was widely circulated, in January 2012, NSA has successfully helped Google's Android team to close the security hole that is owned by Android.However, from the aid granted by the United States, the NSA apparently secretly insert some code in the latest version of Android which is now used by the Galaxy S4 and HTC are Android 4.2.x Jelly Bean.If the news is circulating properly, then the mandatory worry Android users because it starts from the data in the form of chat using chat applications, SMS, phone logs to personal data and other important can be accessed directly by the NSA.As an additional thought, if there are no tendencies when help close the security hole in Android, why the NSA did not seek help for other mobile operating systems like iOS for example.In the year 2012, IOS also reportedly had breached several times and its data is also reportedly more successful stolen. However, why the NSA did not help Apple to close the security gap?

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