When you buy an iPhone or iPod, usually have got additional accessories earphone. But not many people know, Apple earphones not only to listen to music alone.
Because the default earphones can be used for many functions that allows users perform activities.
Well, for you are a novice user, the following tips for earphones initerdapat can be maximized when plugged into the iDevice.
1. Play and dismissing song
Apple earphones are among the cable box that has standard functions to raise or lower the volume of music, or a phone call.
In the middle of the volume there is a section for talking when you receive a call.
Another function you can turn off and dismiss the song through earphones. The trick, just press the center button once to power, then press it again to turn off.
2. skip tracks
In addition to the lay and play a song, through earphones, users can change the desired song.
The trick, just press two times in the middle at the same time quickly. When you want to return to the next song, can also suppress three times.
3. Taking pictures and recording video
It's one of the functions in earphones that may not be widely known, namely capture images and record videos.
While stuck in the ear speaker, users can record video by pressing the volume button '-', whereas to photograph simply press the volume button ''.
4. Chat with Siri
When the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad you already support Siri. It could be, chatting without having to press the home button.
Pretty easy, just press and hold the center button until the logo appears Siri on your device. Make it easy?
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