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BlackBerry: BBM Disruption Only in Indonesia

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Jakarta - Until dusk, BlackBerry Messenger service (BBM) is still not stable. Canadian vendor that confirms if the BlackBerry network disruption occurs only in Indonesia, does not extend to the Asia Pacific region.
"In connection with the BlackBerry network disruption in Indonesia today, disturbances only in Indonesia. Meanwhile, our engineering team will continue to investigate the matter,"

BlackBerry does not give out more about the technical problems that afflict the network, including the matter of time estimation disruption happens.

Even so, a Canadian vendor that delivered an apology to the Indonesian BlackBerry users the disturbance.

"We apologize for the inconvenience," said BlackBerry.

Previously, the BlackBerry service disruption perceived by users acknowledged by the operator. They are embracing this disturbance after getting notification from the Canadian company.

In fact, there are representatives that call if the operator BlackBerry disorder spread to the Asia Pacific region.

"We can notification that BlackBerry service disruption since early this morning. Interference in Asia Pacific," said Henry Wijaya, Corporate Communication XL Axiata.

Including statements of account through Axis @ask_Axis who called if a BlackBerry is called being to optimize network in Asia Pacific that impact the BlackBerry service.

"That we've got announcements from RIM - BlackBerry now - that there are 11-hour interruption since this afternoon. But not told what the problem is," said Head of Corporate Communications Anita Avianty Axis.

While Adita Irawati, Head of Corporate Communications Group Vodacom says it is experiencing technical issues caused by problems on the BlackBerry since at 10.45 pm.

"In terms of Telkomsel basically no problem. We apologize for the inconvenience," said Adita.

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