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Firefox Mobile OS Ready to Compete with Android

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Long journey in developing Mozilla Firefox OS mobile operating system finally sweet fruit. Smart phone that runs the Firefox OS ready for the market.

Mozilla announced via its official blog that the two phones running the Firefox OS, namely ZTE and Alcatel One Touch Open Fire, ready to be sent to market. However, the product is now limited in some countries.

One of the target countries such marketing is Spanish. This is because in these countries, Mozilla partnered with mobile operator Telefonica Open ZTE is ready to sell for 69 euros for prepaid cellular subscribers.

After that, the phone makers Mozilla and partners will market its products to Latin America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and will soon enter Asia.

In addition to ZTE and Alcatel, Huawei and LG have committed to support Firefox OS. Japanese technology giant Sony, also makes mobile Firefox OS in early 2014.

Mozilla Firefox is certainly hoping to emulate the superiority of Android OS is so well established. For the initial stage, Mozilla without first selling the device at a low price. Hopefully, they can capture the market share of affordable mobile phones based on Android, Windows Phone and Nokia Asha.

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