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How to increase google pagerank

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How to improve google pagerank

how to increase page rank actually it's quite simple. you simply do as you can. but it would be nice if everything was done ..
I will describe the most important from the point to its antecedents. Here's how you can do :

1. Content of the article must be original
The main factor to boost position in search engines is quality content. A minimum of one month should be at least 5 articles a distance of 6 days post. If you can do this, then the site you are reckoned by the search engines (google, yahoo, dmoz, bing and yandex). Even if forced can not be consistent, at least one month should be 1 article. So do not be left blank.

2. Make writing a lot of people are looking for
Diverse forms of writing as well. Can about the hobby, business, kulliner, tourism, technology, short stories or poems. Each post has its own reader. That is what you should aim at.

3. SEO and quirk
If you are familiar with SEO, you can apply it to every post you make. If you do not understand SEO, you can play the vocabulary that you have. Ping affairs, let the owner do hosting. This is often practiced short story writers in cyberspace.

4. Blogwalking and Following
Virtual blogger visited the house other than the new insights gained could also increase the pageview. Because they also do not hesitate to visit and comment back. If you have not sempet blogwalking, probably because of constrained paketan are almost gone, you can make your own article and comment yourself. At least I have you writing comments. No less important is the follower. The more followers you, the more popular your blog. Blog which has a lot of followers, preferred search engine.

5. Maximize Social Networking
If my friend is often active on facebook, twitter and the like. You can share there. But not too often, because it could be considered spam by the facebook which resulted in your account is locked for 15 days.

6. Submit your site to multiple search engines
Actually this is the old way that should not be ignored. Because some search engines require entering a specific code on the meta tag description. Still hopes there will be visitors who come From there.

7. Use webdesign or template
If the comrades including the experts with web design, you can create templates that can be downloaded free anyone. In the footer, fill in your name that leads to your website.

8. Through music or song
Upload your favorite song at 4shared.com. Do not forget to edit the song by stating the property address of your website. You will attract visitors who have the same favorite song.

9. utilizing youtube
Upload videos you have on youtube. that could contain funny video, video clip, or movie that much demand. Put your url address on headline news.

10. Involved events organized fellow bloggers
Giveaway is the most powerful way to get backlinks quickly. In addition to a mutually beneficial relationship, can also strengthen silaturrahim among fellow bloggers.

11. Expand contributor
The more contributors or article contributors, the content will be more and more and have different topics.

12. Using services or advertised
If my friends have more money, you could put an ad on tv. If you want a cheaper, my friends could use the services of my review or place an ad here. Price, size, and position of your ads are set yourself.

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