SonyPlayStation4andXboxOnecan not bedenied isthe mainstarin thetitle ofthe Electronic EntertainmentExpo(E3)thisyear,whichtakes placeJune 11 to 13atthe LosAngelesConventionCenter. As more and morespecsrevealed byboththelatestgeneration ofgamingconsoles,the more thestrengths and weaknessesare revealed.Thenin betweenwhichis consideredbetter?
The success ofJapanese gameconsolevendorsarealsoprovenby the highnumber ofpre-orderreservationsPlayStation4atAmazonandGameStopcompared toXboxOne.
"Microsoftgetsordealinthe eventthisyear,this is due tothe protestsofthe fansrelated tothe complexity ofthe use oftheconsole," saidSebastian.
"Buttheywill belittlehelped by thelaunch ofseveralpromisingtitlesfortheirplatformslikeRyse,QuantumBreakandTitanfall,"he saidagain.
SebastianfurtherstatedeitherSony,Microsoft,andNintendoshouldgivea strong reasonthat consumerswouldturn totheirnext-gen consoles,among which areprovidingmore powerful hardwareanddurable,theentertainmentfunctionoutof the box,supportdigitalservices,as well aspopulargametitlesJudu-lucrative
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PlayStation 4, Champion in The event E3 2013
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