WhatsApp rising lately become one of the popular mobile chat application. Of its multi-platform support it.
Although the center of popular, but most users are not considered too expensive to enjoy maximum. Anyway origin can be used for chat only. Though there are some tips and tricks that can be used in order to more optimally use WhatsApp.
For you who use WhatsApp on the Android platform, there are some tips and tricks that you can use WhatsApp apply. What are they ?
Notification Sound
You might want to give special attention to the chat that comes from a particular person or group. So instantly caught the incoming chat comes from anyone, you can choose specific notification sound when a chat comes from a particular person or group.
We start from the first notification to the group.
Setting steps is as follows :
1. Run WhatsApp.
2. Tap menu> Settings.
3. Tap Notifications.
4. Log in to the Group notifications.
5. Tap Notification tone.
6. Select the desired notification sound.
In the same section, you can specify whether the notification will be given enough sound alone or all at once with vibration and flashing lights with a specific color. The latter depends on the phone you have because not all phones have a notification light feature.
How to notifications from certain people? The notification "hitching a ride" on the notification in the Android contact. Settings of WhatsApp are as follows :
1. Run WhatsApp.
2. Tap menu> Settings.
3. Tap Notifications.
4. Log in to the Message notifications.
5. Enable the Contact ringtone.
Now, the settings made from the existing contacts on the Android system.
The trick is as follows :
1. Open Contacts.
2. Tap the name of the contact you want to set to have a special ringtone.
3. Tap menu> Edit.
4. Tap Ringtone.
5. Select the desired ringtone.
Well, after going through this settings, sound notifications WhatsApp for a specific person would be the same as the notification sound when that person calling.
Block Specific ContactsSomehow, your contact number fell into the hands of irresponsible people and many send chat
form of spam via WhatsApp. Obviously this is very annoying. Do not worry, you can block the user who you do not like. The trick is relatively easy.
1. Run WhatsApp.2. Tap menu> Settings> Contacts.3. Tap Blocked contacts.4. Tap the button in the upper right to add contacts.5. Select the contact you want to be blocked.
If you do not intentionally block the number that should not be blocked, repeat steps 1 through 3 above, then tap and hold the contact number to be "liberated" and select Unblock [contact name].
When to be blocked is a number that has not been recorded into contact, open conversation (conversation) with the number and scroll to the top and tap the block button.
Backup and Restore ConversationWhatsApp conversations could be carried out in an important conversation. Just in case if your cell phone is damaged or you want to change a new phone, do a backup to the conversation.
Steps to perform backups is as follows :1. Run WhatsApp.2. Tap menu> Settings> Chat settings.3. Backup tap conversations.
Only the three steps that, all conversations will be backed up. Backup file will be saved in a folder called WhatsApp is in the SD Card. To be more safe, copy the WhatsApp folder to another storage media such as a USB flash or external hard drive.
Well, if then you buy a new mobile phone and want to move the backup, use this procedure :1. Make sure the new phone has been no application WhatsApp. If there, delete it first.2. Move the backup folder WhatsApp earlier results to SD Card new phone.3. Install WhatsApp.4. At one installation step, WhatsApp will ask if you would restore file Backup. Of course you should answer Yes.
Now the entire conversation on the phone has been shifted to a new phone.
Chat With Unique TextType of font used on the application WhatsApp is a standard font type. If you want to be different, you can use the text with special font effects. This trick is not innate but WhatsApp is actually using a special application called Fancy Text Generator.
How to use is as follows:1. Download Fancy Text Generator app from Google Play Store and then run the application.2. Type the text are available on the spot and at the bottom will display a list of text which has been given effect.3. Tap the button on the right side of a text that has been given effect to copy it to the clipboard.4. Jalankankan do WhatsApp and paste it into the box which is used to write text. Text that has been copied earlier will be shown there complete with effects.5. Tap the Send button to send the text earlier.
Basically Fancy Text Generator application output is essentially universal, so it was not intended specifically for WhatsApp only. Output of Fancy Text Generator can also be used when you are mobile chat application or WeChat Line.
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