Padding, Margin, and Border, before I explain further please see the schematic picture below first:
Well from the description above we can conclude as follows
Padding : Determine the distance to the border or body components inside the distance measure
Border : Is the margins of the component
Margin : The size of the outer gap or distance measure after Border
How to Use It
written with CSS padding:5px 5px 5px 5px; sequence numbers values are top, right, bottom and left, or you can use
padding-left:5px; This is for setting padding left
padding-right:5px; This is for setting the right padding
padding-top:5px; for the top and
padding-bottom:5px; to the bottom, remember unit px (pixels) you can change according to another appropriate unit
Written by CSS border:1px dotted #000000; the order of its use is the size of the border, border style and border color, or can use
border-width:1px; This is the thickness of the border
border-style:dotted; This is the kind bordernya you can change with dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset and others
border-color:#FFFFFF; This is the color of the border .. You can change the color code (
Written by CSS margin:5px 5px 5px 5px; order of top, right, bottom and left, or could use as padding above
other information can follow the description above padding
Unit in CSS
1. Static
- in -- units of inches
- cm -- units of centimeter
- mm -- units of milimeter
- pt -- units of point (1 point = 1/72 inchi)
- pc -- units of pica (1 pica = 12 point)
- px -- units of pixel (least one point in the monitor screen image)
- % -- units of persen
- em -- or ems (1em = font size in the middle of the element)
- ex -- 1ex = x-height of a font (x-height is usually half the size of the font)
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