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Creating Ad-hoc network in Windows 8

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Indeed, Windows 8 is very rampant in the year 2013 because it may be better than windows 7, tapilannya more elegant and simple to make Windows 8 a new OS that instantly famous. Maybe you've made ​​an add-hoc network in Windows 7 is in windows 7 how simply select:

Open Network And Sharing Center and set up a new network or further connetcion lived next to the finish is complete, but now we are going to make it in Windows 8?

Indeed, if we look at Windows 8 there is no choice sets up a new connetcion or network so we use the Black Screen (CMD) to create an add-hock wireless network in windows 8.

Here it is the steps :- Move the cursor to the top right corner / lower
- Select the application search
- Write down the CMD
- Right click on CMD and choose Run Administator
- If you already opened typing "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = UPTOYOU key=UPTOYOU"
- SSID and key you can change your heart's content
- Try to use a password when you give as much as 8-digit password
- If the article above was mengketik you press enter
- Then you re typing "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"
- Then you press enter again.
- The process of making an add-hoc system is complete

That step makes ad-hoc network in Windows 8 bernanfaat hopefully all this for you, if there are less obvious comment just below OK!!

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