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Google Loon, A New Google Project

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Google Loon, A New Google Project on June 2013

Google - There is no king who is not familiar with the internet. Previously Google has made some dazzling 3 projects this year. As Google Glass (Glasses very clever Google), Google's Self Driving Car (car without having to drive), Attitude Google, Google Maps, and much more.
By accidentally, I found a new folder in the google site, which was named 'loon' (. / Loon). Having read and dipelajar (as in English) I get some information from Google's New Project in June 2013, Google Loon. Here's some information I get

What is Google Loon ? What a goal ?

For the developers of Google, the Internet is a global community. All persons are entitled to the Internet, not only for urban, rural was eligible. Loon Project is a network of balloon traveling at the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, to help fill the coverage gap, and bring people back online after a disaster.

Google Loon Technology

Google Loon balloons, floated on the surface of the earth's stratosphere, which is above the surface plane flight and weather. Google Loon balloon is steered by the wind direction desired. Google Loon can connect with a special antenna that is in the user's home. Internet will bounce from balloon to balloon the other, ending at the provider of the earth's surface.

Google Loon Balloon Design

Balon Google Loon

Balloon Envelope is the name for a piece inflatable balloon. Loon Project balloon envelope made ​​of polyethylene plastic sheet and standing fifteen feet twelve feet wide when fully inflated. They are specifically built to be used in balloon superpressure, lasting from weather balloons because they can withstand the high pressure of the air inside the balloon float when it reaches a height. A parachute is attached to the top of the envelope allows for controlled descent and landing every time a balloon ready to be taken out of service.

Balon Google Loon

Solar Panel - Any electronic unit that is supported by an array of solar panels that are on the envelope and hardware. In full sun, the panels produce 100 watts - enough to keep the unit running while also charging the battery for use at night. By moving with the wind and charging in the sun, Loon Project was able to power itself using only renewable energy sources.

Balon Google Loon

Equipment - A small box containing electronic equipment hangs below the balloon envelope increases, such as baskets carried by hot air balloon. This box contains a circuit board that controls the system, a radio antenna to communicate with another balloon and the Internet antenna on the ground, and batteries to store solar power so that the balloon can operate at night.

How Loons Connects

Each balloon can provide connectivity to a ground area about 40 km in diameter at speeds comparable to 3G. For balloon-to-balloon and balloon-to-ground communications, the balloons use antennas equipped with specialized radio frequency technology. Project Loon currently uses ISM bands (specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands) that are available for anyone to use.

Video (About Loons)

Video (How Loons Works) 

This year Google will also conduct trials in New Zealand, where the air condition and the current atmosphere is ideal for testing and also far enough away from the airspace of another country where if the balloon into the territory of another state without permission would be a problem for this project. Google plans 2014 test-air balloon WiFi in Australia, on the island of Tasmania.

This ambitious project launched by Google to address the needs of the Internet in remote areas in the corners of the world.

hopefully this project goes well so that all people can enjoy the internet easily :)

1 Komentar untuk " Google Loon, A New Google Project "

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