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Tips to register google adsense

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Previous perhaps friends have read articles that discuss about adsense and adsense tips that happened quickly approve by google. Likewise, the same as natural friends, looking for ways how to make a list of google adsense quickly approve. Because the rules are now different from the previous rules. How difficult it is to get approval from google adsense for now, different from the first that did not need to bother with a review-review as the rule now ini.Perlu friends know, that turned out to be the new rule is not a major thing that hamper from google adsense registration difficult approved. But there are things that must be considered carefully and patiently enough.

Tips or the way I do and the result is not 100%. From some who say, if we want a quick adsense approval, the age of the blog or website should've stepped six months. This assumption is true, but not for in Indonesia but in India, or articles must speak English, this is not a major barrier because now supports Indonesian Adsense.

Now let us consider a few things to be aware that adsense quickly approved, and this is taken from my personal experience.

1. Create an account using Gmail or another..

    Why should gmail? Perhaps due under the auspices of Google, it would be nice to use the email, but it does not guarantee 100% diterima.Kelemahan Gmail, which can not make changes to the email account, when adsense was received or would like to make the turn email. So the solution back to my friends, want to use gmail or other email, it is not a major barrier to the list of adsense. For me personally still use Gmail.

Note: In a registration adsense, age must be 18 + and be sure to be the same contact details / fit between email and adsense account. This applies to any email. Especially the full name and address and zip code.

2. Make sure you already have a website or blog considerable in terms of the content and authenticity of the article.

   If you already have a website or blog with a long life or many articles already, before the register would be nice to read first adsense program policies so that your efforts are not in vain. My advice, make sure it has enough pages, articles, and authenticity of the content / article. These are the three main points to be reviewed by Google.

And what the issue must have their own domain so quickly approved?

Well, here I can explain the ownership domains (websites). For those who choose a website, make sure you have the right to full access to the website as an administrator, it is very necessary because when the review process there as www.contoh.com domain name / web it should be known by adsense that you are the legitimate owner of the domain . (regarding the solution, then the adsense will provide the best solution) here you will be asked for confirmation of legitimate ownership domain.

How fate Blogspot bloggers who have made?

For those who already have a blog long enough , there is another equally good in the review itself before being reviewed by the google and rejected . To review our blog worthy or not to follow the adsense program , good read carefully the adsense program policies because this is an important role that we are 100 % adsense approved by Google Adsense . Once reviewed and the results you think it is feasible and does not violate the rules , began to register to adsense program . But remember , once again read carefully the adsense program policies , do not rush . For those who are new to the blog owner , it is better to be patient and diligent post articles / content that has been considered sufficient by the google adsense which although still relatively new . Keep in mind , though please do not copy and paste articles in included source , make yourself writing about anything that is unique and in accordance with the hobby / favorite friends or in accordance with the target adsense program . Read carefully from every adsense program policies .

Note: Traffic high visitor is not the main criterion if the Google Adsense blog contains elements that infringe your friends adsense program policies.

3. If the application is considered by the google adsense, what to do?

   If your application has been considered by Parties Google Adsense, do not always feel excited and will be 100% approved. This is the first stage of the review of the adsense, so back again read carefully from the adsense program policies and terms of use, review again your website / blog by itself, if it really is 100% percent did not violate the rules. If so, please place the code review by logging in to google adsense and start making ad units. To make it more clear stages see section makes first ad unit.

Note: I recommend to this stage, do not let friends waste, try a little patience and meticulous. This is an opportunity that is hard to find, so be careful and it is good to read and follow the first steps for beginners at the Adsense Academy.

4. Stage three was skipped, but why not show up ads ?

    Stage 3 provides a first hand adsense on websites / blogs of friends, whether in accordance with the rules and policies, or there are still shortcomings. Usually if there is a shortage or no little offense, the adsense will send email notifications about what should be improved or prepared. The length of notice, usually within 1 day may be fast or slow.

But it is different if a friend request is approved directly by the google adsense, do not be surprised or wonder, why you is not no email notifications after entering phase 3. It could be that the petition is already approved, the ad unit will immediately appear on the web page / blog friends.

Note: Frequently check email and website / blog, to make sure the request is being followed up adsense or already approved..

5. My application was rejected on the grounds page inadequate or no original content or problem domain ownership, why?

   If this is the case with my friends, do not be discouraged, the google adsense has been kind enough to review the request for a friend, so it is good to follow the suggestions that had been made by the google adsense. If such notice is only limited to some to be repaired, good fix before resending the request adsense, not to resend before adjusting his friends filed by adsense error, because it can be fatal berakibar will petition immediately rejected without further review.

6. My ad has appeared, and I will try to click.

    Do not try to click on the ad units themselves which appear on the website / blog that has been approved adsense. Efforts friends should not be confused with it. Let go according to program policies adsense.

Note: My advice to avoid non sengajaan clicking on your own ads, install the Adblock Plus add-ons in the browser friends.

That's the steps that must be done and be considered carefully in order to quickly approve adsense or approved. good luck ;)

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