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  • Iklan text, 150 Karakter Free hingga akhir tahun

Convert PSD to HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3

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Please Contact Me First Before Placing Order.

100% Guarantee of Satisfaction. I'm professional web developer convert your PSD into HTML/HTML5 with CSS/CSS3 styling. I am working professionally in HTML,  HTML5, CSS, CSS3 , jQuery and jQuery Mobile.

What will you get in My Service?

  • Table-less HTML
  • HTML and CSS Validated by W3C Standards.
  • 100% Hand Written Code
  • Latest CSS Framework Bootstrap 3 will be used for big Projects

Extra Services:

  • jQuery Mobile
  • jQuery 
  • Fully Responsive Layout > checkout my other gig

For using extra service please contact me first for all discussion, timeframe and the price quote.
* I do not provide any work Related to Programming (i.e, sliders, popup menus, button switchers) in this gig. You will have to place extra service for it (according to work).

** The page with simple layout and details = 1 service. Otherwise, service will be depended on the complexity of design and details.

IMPORTANT: Please contact me for a price quote before buying this gig.



I will Convert your PSD into Fully Responsive or Fluid Layout Design for Responsive is required - 1 Page +3 days +$41
I will Create a Simple Auto jQuery Image Slider Simple, no arrows and page numbers   +$6
Extra Fast I will deliver this order in just 2 days +$21

  contact me at trickytipsyfriend[a]gmail.com , also include a link that you want to message.

1 Komentar untuk " Convert PSD to HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 "

  1. Thank you for your post!
    I like the info you provided there
    I'm a website development and I also providing the best Convert Psd to Website Services out there :)
    Would you like to work with me?

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Dilarang menggunakan kata-kata kasar dan kata-kata yang mengandung SARA, kata-kata yang mengindikasikan Flame terhadap seseorang sehingga terjadi pertengkaran akan saya hapus dan blok dari blogspot ini !!
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