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Convert your website into a cool ANDROID app and publish it on Google Play

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Google Play charges $25 for publishing alone, but with my service you'll get: an application + a QR code + publishing on Google Play = for only $8.

 Your website will be converted into an Android application and when I publish it on Google Play the Android users will find it more interesting and will surf it with ease. It will lead to an increase of visitors and traffic, and the website itself will become much cooler.

You will be given full technical support at all times. The application will look just like your website. You will be provided with your own personal QR code. No sexually explicit, hard language, adult, gambling, donation, fraud, illegal sites are allowed, stolen content or viruses or sites with such links. Some music players might also not work properly (beat shops).

The application is published with your chosen app name, 3 screenshots, your custom icon and description.

IMPORTANT: Please email me your site link before you place an order, for a check.

For a better promotion of your app/business, please see the extras below.




I will publish a total of 8 screenshots from the app on Google Play, for a better presentation.   ×
I will publish your Youtube promotional video on GooglePlay so that millions can easily see your commercial   ×
I will publish your app on the Opera Mobile Store for even more exposure. It is the competition of G.Play   ×
Extra Fast I will deliver this order in just 2 days +$6

  contact me at trickytipsyfriend[a]gmail.com , also include a link that you want to message.

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