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  • Iklan text, 150 Karakter Free hingga akhir tahun

Get Your Website 5 PR 7 Backlinks

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Just send me the URL of your site, and the (short) keyword phrase you'd like to get ranked for, and leave the rest to me!

These Backlinks will all be from Profiles I create on sites that have PR7 on their Home-Page. Google gives a Backlink from any website above PR 6 immense power, so getting 5 of them can do wonders for your site's PageRank!

I'll send you a full report of the places I got you Backlinks from as proof of my work as soon as I'm done!



Extra Fast I will deliver this order in just 1 day +$11

  contact me at trickytipsyfriend[a]gmail.com , also include a link that you want to message.


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Prohibited from using harsh words and the words of the SARA, the words that indicate the Flame against someone that I would quarrel delete and block from this blogspot!!
Dilarang menggunakan kata-kata kasar dan kata-kata yang mengandung SARA, kata-kata yang mengindikasikan Flame terhadap seseorang sehingga terjadi pertengkaran akan saya hapus dan blok dari blogspot ini !!

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