We are required to be aware of the applications installed on our cell phones . There are some apps in Android that can secretly take the data users. So that you do not experience it , it does not hurt us to know which application is specifically designed to prevent data theft .
Without realizing there is an application that will automatically send certain data to the manufacturer . Ironically , it could be done when the phone is idle .
The data captured is mostly still a common thing , but still, for some users it can be very annoying .
Well , to avoid it , on Google Play Store there is a free app called No Root Firewall . As the name implies , this application is a ' firewall ' for Android devices .
Applications that can be used to select which applications are allowed online , and where applications should remain offline . When there is an application that wants to transmit data , No Root Firewall will immediately provide notification .
Seeing observation so far , No Root Firewall received an overwhelming response by Android users , it is seen from the rating of 4.4 of 5 points in the Google Play Store .
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