Bitcoin virtual currency popular lately used as a means of investment and payments in various countries . Even the currency is already being sold in Indonesia . Is this legal virtual currency used in Indonesia ?
To avoid confusing, Bank Indonesia ( BI ) also issued a statement regarding the legality of virtual currency . BI confirms bitcoin is not legal tender in Indonesia .
The announcement was made BI via the official press release on its website , with reference to Act ( Act ) No. . 7 of 2011 on Currency and the Law. 23 of 1999 which has been amended several times , most recently by Law no. 6 of 2009 .
" People are encouraged to be careful of Bitcoin and other virtual currency . All risks related to ownership / use Bitcoin borne by the owner / user of virtual currency Bitcoin and others , " said Director of the Department of Communication BI , Peter Jacobs through a press release .
Bitcoin is a virtual currency itself , where people can conduct transactions through a variety of electronic devices such as computers for connecting to the Internet.
Abroad, generally bitcoin used for payment transactions . However Bitcoin has the same risk as the use of other currencies . If the computer is exposed to the virus bitcoin potentially lost . Moreover, if do not have a secure password , bitcoin can also be compromised by irresponsible people .
SOURCE : Liputan6
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