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SEO For Beginners

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Before I explain some important points to Blog Optimization for beginners as authors Through Science Blog, it's good to know the definition of SEO and its benefits. I copy and paste the following understanding of wikipedia pages http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimisasi_mesin_pencari

Search Engine Optimization, commonly abbreviated as SEO is a series of processes carried out systematically in order to increase the volume and quality of traffic through search engines to a particular website by utilizing the mechanism of action or the search engine algorithms. The goal of SEO is to place a website on the top position, or at least the first page of search results based on specific keywords targeted. Logically, the web site that occupies the top position in search results have a better chance to get visitors.

Here's how the optimization blog I wrote in the Science article SEO For Beginners. Relax & our survey directly to the following paragraphs :

Choosing a domain and blog title correctly. Address and the title of the blog is the right contain keywords that describe the content of the blog overall.

Creating interesting article titles. Title of the article very rank in search results, try not to write the title of the article that is already on google. Use keywords specific to the purpose of writing. Do not be too long and too short.

Creating an interesting article and update it regularly. The purpose of creating a blog because I wanted to express the knowledge I get from formal educational institutions and non-formal, means avoid making the copy and paste of the article next blog because supposedly he was so hated by google and update the blog on a regular basis will help the article quickly indexed by google.

Add a link in the article. Links can be taken from outside or from within the blog itself.

Maintain keyword density. Keywords should not be too much rewritten versus the overall word count. According to SEO experts, a distance of good keywords is 4-5%.

I hope this post useful for you ;)

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