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What Kind of World Preview in 2050?

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Human life on Earth is dependent on resources and fossil energy . In fact , as we know , this energy is limited . With the exploration of fossil fuels without stopping , one day it will be difficult to obtain. Availability of fuel it will certainly affect human life .

So what is about to happen in the world in 2050 ?

Founder of Forum for the Future , Jonathon Porritt disclose estimates of human life in 2050 . At that time , he said , humans have switched from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and efficient .

Furthermore , he estimates that by 2050 , the use of paper money will be less. All of them have switched to digital commerce .

" Everything is done electronically . We will have a global currency , national currencies , and each community has its own local currency , " said Porritt , reported by Aol.com , Tuesday, February 18, 2014 .

In the next three and a half decades , Porritt also estimated , there will be a balance between work and play . At that time , working 27 hours during the week is already not possible , then the burden of working hours will be banned for not balancing life .

"Everyone mixes their lives in informal and formal employment , whether they are doing this voluntarily or condition is so , " he said .

For the transportation , Porritt predicts , people will switch to public transport vehicles , leaving personal vehicles . In the cities , he said , people will walk and use bicycles and use public transportation . Therefore , the availability of increasingly limited fuel would make it a rare and very expensive .

In terms of demographics , in 2050 , the Earth is getting crowded with habitable predicted nine billion people . Consequently , humans have to live a life that is friendly to the environment .

" We have finished with the waste problem , there is no waste as everything will be industrial raw materials , " he explained .

Porritt also highlights the public health world . In 2050 , a system will enable people to monitor the health of the body , respectively .

" In general , people will be healthier in 2050 . We have solved the problem of diabetes and obesity , malaria . 's Going to make ( future ) people live longer, " he said .

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