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5 Android Apps for Ramadhan

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Who is the most anticipated during the month of fasting? answer is Welcome. Precisely "Congratulations Iftar" which appeared on television shortly after sunset azdan.
But now you may no longer need to hang out in front of the TV just meangi iftar time. Mobile phone provides a lot of applications about fasting. Start, schedule iftar, when Ruling, prayer schedules, or even show you where the nearest of you to rid the position of breaking the fast.
Here are some apps in the android related fasting can be downloaded at Play Store if we search with the keywords "fasting schedule" or "Ruling schedule":
1. Find adverts, 1434H / 2013Gawegawe Studio Application contains schedule Ruling, Dawn, Sunrise, Duha, midday, Asr, Maghrib and Isha 'into a whole month of Ramadan Schedule table.
If you have already installed this app, it can not be opened even access to the Internet. There are approximately 409 counties, 1 district administration, 93 cities, and 5 administrative cities in Indonesia are contained in the Application adverts, Indonesia's version 1.0.
But to know the schedule, we have to find the destination city, so it is rather difficult if the destination city is under. When we exit the application and open again, we must re-select the destination city.

This is probably because the application does not use the internet when opened so it does not automatically detect the presence of hp.
  2. Fasting Schedule 2013This application is similar to the Find adverts, 1434H / 2013 only tampilannnya just different. Find adverts like 1434H / 2013, 2013 Fasting Schedule does not require an internet connection (OFFLINE), and sourced from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. But in choosing the location is somewhat easier. Once we determine the destination and then close the application, then if we reopen the final destination fasting schedule that will open.
3. Indonesian ScheduleMentioned, GITS Indonesia this application helps you find out the schedule of prayers in Indonesia, so that you can worship and maximum run well.
By using your current location, the application can determine the prayer schedule is equipped with an alarm that can be set freely.
If you see a "screenshot", seemingly no time Ruling. However, when installed, schedule Ruling no. It is not known why this happens.
4. Sahabat RamadhanUPLOAD SERVICE APP application contains several menus namely:* Friends of Ramadan (among other things related to the sense or manner of fasting, zakat fitrah, and Eid prayers id)* Find adverts* The virtue of Ramadan
5. BukaDimanaOnebitMobileBuka application will show you where the closest iftar of our position. This app can find restaurants and places to eat for iftar
Mentioned application was developed using the API of Urbanesia - city directory service with over 220,000 businesses in Jakarta and Indonesia
BukaDimana can be used anywhere Urbanesia

  1. Jakarta 
  2. Bandung
  3. Surabaya
  4. Jogjakarta
  5. Medan
  6. Bali

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