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Control Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol While Fasting

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Fasting be a good time for people with blood pressure and cholesterol because it is easier watching your diet and the type of food that enters the body.
Daily when not fasting, a person can eat almost three times a day accompanied by snacks at mealtimes hose. However, when fasting, automatically, the diet will be changed to the dawn of time and hours of fasting.
For people with high blood pressure and cholesterol, a benefit because it simplifies the pattern of timing and type of food eaten in the break menu.
Some foods are very good for lowering high blood pressure and keep cholesterol. Therefore, suggested several options in a menu of food is eaten to break the fast at dawn and later:
1. KiwiBrown-skinned fruit and green fruit mebantu can lower blood pressure, such as the American Heart Association revealed. Typical New Zealand fruit is rich in lutein and contains many antioxidants that are beneficial to health and blood pressure.
2. BananasPotassium-containing foods is highly recommended for people with hypertension. Some foods rich in potassium, such as bananas and nuts. You can eat this as a healthy snack and a meal when breaking fast.
3. WatermelonIn addition to having excellent water content for the body, it turns out this delicious fruit may lower blood pressure through a manifold amino acids L-citrulline or L-arginine as evidenced by research conducted at Florida State University.
4. Tahu
Dishes of soy such as tofu, tempeh, edamame and miso was able to help lower blood pressure. The content of isoflavones in them makes systolic blood pressure remained low and stable, as described the American College of Cardiology.
5. C
Flavanol content in chocolate can help dilate blood vessels, thus helping to lower blood pressure. But Dr. Karin Ried from University of Adelaide revealed that only chocolate will lower the pressure in people with high blood pressure, not those who have normal blood pressure.

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