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Assorted Fruit And Vegetable Juice Make Health

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Assorted Fruit And Vegetable Juice Make Health : Certainly not everyone wants to be healthy. Many ways you can do to get the health.
such as:

  • diligent Exercising
  • Healthy Foods And Fruits And Vegetables
  • keeping the Environment
  • and Hygiene
This time we will discuss the fruits and vegetables are good for health.
Both materials that can be processed into everything from juices, vegetables and cakes.

Of course, for the children are difficult to eat vegetables or fruit, we can change the way variations
fruit and vegetable juicing it. The following fruits and vegetables is good for health.
  • Banana juice
With its many vitamins owned fruit makes this fruit is good for health. Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, potassium and protein and carbohydrates thinking about it very good for our bodies.
  • Orange Juice
Thinking about the many benefits of orange, of course, can keep our immune from various diseases. Oranges have Vitamin-C which is quite a lot compared to other fruits.
  • Vegetable Juice Mustard
This one is pretty good vegetable for health, Beginning of vitamin A and vitamin B makes this vegetable is healthy enough for the juice.

  • Manggo Juice
Mango fruit is sweet enough not to lose the fruit used for juice is good for health. Thinking about the content of Carbohydrates 17.00 g, Sugars 14.8 g, dietary fiber 1.8 g, Fat 0.27 g Protein 0.51 g.

  • Melon juice
Melon is still similar to the watermelon is a fruit that is quite tasty. With a fairly typical aroma, the fruit is quite good for the juice.

I hope this post useful for you and your family  :)

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