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How to create a Blog on Blogger.com

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Cara Membuat Blog dengan Mudah

For those of you who still do not have a Gmail account (Google Mail), then How to Make This Blog will we begin to create a Gmail account first. In order not to linger longer, then here are the steps how to create a Gmail account.

A. How to make Gmail
1.Visit the site www.gmail.com
2.After visiting the website address above, click on the button "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" to start making Gmail
3. In the section on this page, then fill in the things that are asked on the form filling data, such as :
o    In the column "Name" Fill with first name and your last name
o    In the "Choose your username and" fill in the username you want, for example blablablabla@gmail.com
o    In the "Create a password" with the password that you enter the required * to use unique passwords, such as lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, symbols. so no need to use the gmail verification phone number
o    In the "Confirm your password" fields fill with the Create a password on it.
o    In the "Birthday" fill in accordance with your birth date.
o    In the "Gender" fill in your gender.
o    In the "Mobile phone" Fill with your phone number.
o    In the "Current email address" can not be filled if you do not have a previous email, but if you already have an email should be on the content alone.
o    In the "Prove you're not a robot" fill in accordance with the inscription that appears above the image (Captcha).
o    In the "Location" select country of origin in accordance with which we are already listed, such as "Indonesian"
o    Check on the "I agree to the Terms of Services you Google Privacy Policy"
o    Then click the "Next Step"

·         Wait a moment, you instantly will come an SMS from Google to the phone number you've input the activation prior to her Gmail account you just created
·         If the above steps are done properly, then so be ye Gmail Account. Next is step How to create a new blog on Blogger.
B. How to create a Blog
1.     Visit the site www.blogger.com and sign in using your Gmail account that was just created
2.      After my friend already visit the site above and sign in, it will look like a Web page screenshot below :

Click on "New Blog" to create a new blog

3.     After you click New Blog, will be out like the screenshot below :

4.      Select the title and blog address
·        The title is used as the blog name later.
·        Blog address is the address of the desired URL.
·         Selecting Blog Template. There are many templates available comes from blogger friend can pick up in accordance with the preferred!
5.      Then click "Create a Blog"
6.      Wait a few moments and your blog is finished!!

Congratulations you have finished blog

Hopefully useful & Good luck!!

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Dilarang menggunakan kata-kata kasar dan kata-kata yang mengandung SARA, kata-kata yang mengindikasikan Flame terhadap seseorang sehingga terjadi pertengkaran akan saya hapus dan blok dari blogspot ini !!

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