Instagram is now one app photo-editing and photo-sharing today's most popular. Since
it was first released on October 6, 2010, this application has been
getting rave reviews so wide of the iOS users, and finally decided to
expand its team of developers Android and join the social media site
it has been so well-known and used by more than 100 million people
(according to data released on February 27, 2013), but there are still
many who do not understand basic ways of use of Instagram.The
following are some important tips and fundamental that should be known
by Instagram users to maximize the performance of these applications. Consider the list of basic tips below use Instagram.
Double-tap to "Like"
you find an image that is very interesting and should be given "like",
then you just need to do a tap twice on the picture. If it is just right, then you will see a white icon hearth telling you that the process has been successful.To do unlike, repeat the above process again.
You could do mention in the two parts of the photo. First, you can mention in the "caption" by typing "@" symbol followed by the name of the account that you want to go. For example, "Waiting for dinner with @ benson". Here,
the owner of the account "@ benson" will get a notification that he was
tagged and follower you will be directed to the owner of the account.Second, you can do a mention in the "comment". If
you want to reply to a comment on a photo, then you only need to touch
the screen at the name of the account for a while and immediately select
"mention user". From there, you can reply directly to a comment by mentioning the name of the destination account.
Hash Tag
Twitter may be the social media who first popularized the "hash tag", a function that would classify in particular statuses. Instagram also use this function to also bring together unique photographs based on a particular topic.There is one thing you should remember regarding the use of the hash tag: do not use it too much. Because a maximum of three hash functions in a single tag in the photo. More than five hash tag will actually interfere with the follower of yours to enjoy the photos you took.
maximize the results of the photo, then you need to take advantage of
some additional applications before appearing on Instagram. If
he could, there is no harm in polishing the pictures you took by using
Photoshop to adjust saturation, contrast, and brightness of the image.If
you do not have time, maybe you can use other apps, one of which is
Diptic can adjust the image so that it looks more attractive.
Remove comments and captions
Instagram may not allow us to edit captions, but you can still remove it. It's easy, you just need to tap the "Comments" on the photo you want, then move it from right to left in the "Caption". If true, it would appear the option "Delete" to remove it.To delete a comment, do you guys stay the same method as above. The difference is, you have to make a sliding movement in the "Comments" do you want to delete.
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