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How to Overcome the Blinking Laptop Adapter, Signs There Damage

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Laptop adapter is one of the important components of a laptop. Without the adapter, the laptop can not be used, because there is no voltage source. Laptop adapters often have problems, among which is the indicator lights on the adapter when used to charge a laptop battery.

 If you are experiencing your own adapter light blinks, there is likely damage has occurred in your adapter. And we suggest do not use for a while your laptop or laptop adapter before you know for sure the damage to your laptop.

If the adapter is still blinking laptop you use, it will be very dangerous, because it can cause :

  • Your battery may dead 
  • One of the components of the mainboard and adapter that will cause burning to death total laptop. Laptop adapter lights flashing, indicating the existence of a short-circuit or short circuit on the mainboard or the adapter.
The way to resolve a laptop adapter that flashing is as follows :
  • First try using a laptop with another adapter that is still a brand. You can borrow from your friends. If at the moment in trying this adapter still does not blink or light up or lights on the indicator on the laptop which is usually colored blue to another color. Then you can certainly still exist in the short-circuit in your laptop. 
  • Next try your laptop adapter to another laptop which is the same brand or compatible. If the laptop adapter is still blinking, then owned adapter you are likely to have problems.
  • You can use a multitester used to measure the current and voltage are still normal laptop adapter that is in accordance with a voltage and current are still listed on a label laptop adapter.
Things you can do if you encounter a blinking laptop adapter case is :
  • If a laptop or adapter you still have a warranty, immediately take it to the nearest service center.
  •  If you owned a laptop or the adapter is not in the warranty period then try to service in a place that you trust. 
  • Or if it's just your own laptop adapter faulty, not of mainboard laptop, then you can immediately buy a new laptop adapter.

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