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Tips to Improve Computer Or Laptop RAM Capacity

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RAM is an acronym Random Access Memory that is used by computers to a computing process runs a program on the software.

RAM will also save a temporary information that will display the data on a computer screen. By increasing the amount of RAM will make computing power becomes more powerful computers.

Therefore here we will discuss about how to improve a RAM capacity of a computer or laptop that is used on Windows XP do the following:

  1. Open the first step in the My Computer properties by right-clicking on my computer then select Properties >> Advanced >> Settings. 
  2. Next click Advanced. In which there is virtual memory and then select Change. 
  3. Put a sign on size in option. Here will be seen drives that you can use as virtual memory. You can set the value of the initial and maximum size for each drive. You may be using one, two or all of the drive if possible. Note that you will be a consideration in filling a value is a space or free space available on your drive. In this example, we fill in the 5000 to 7000 Mb in drive D because by chance a space on drive D We have more than 8000 Mb or 8 Gb. 
  4. If the value entered is complete we then click Set and then press OK. The computer will ask you again to restart so that arrangements can be influential. Then do it.
 Now you belong RAM has successfully enhanced its capacity. Will not display a warning, Virtual Memory Too Low. Because when the RAM runs have been used to open various applications, RAM will automatically be able to use space on the hard drive that you want to set earlier. Your computer will now be a more optimal work without problems hang, Freez or the other.

Hopefully these simple tips can help solve your problem, good luck.

1 Komentar untuk " Tips to Improve Computer Or Laptop RAM Capacity "

Prohibited from using harsh words and the words of the SARA, the words that indicate the Flame against someone that I would quarrel delete and block from this blogspot!!
Dilarang menggunakan kata-kata kasar dan kata-kata yang mengandung SARA, kata-kata yang mengindikasikan Flame terhadap seseorang sehingga terjadi pertengkaran akan saya hapus dan blok dari blogspot ini !!
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