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Smartphone Controlled Automatic cars

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Smartphones are no longer just a communication device or entertainment device. All human activity will not be separated from the device. Previously, one of the hotels in the UK to make the phone as a means of controlling all the activities before and after entering a hotel room. Not long ago, a student from Australia utilizing smartphone sophistication in control the way a car.

Students majoring in information and communication technology from Griffith University, Queensland, Australia to develop their findings to try it on a toy car prototype. Smartphone mounted on the front of the car and use some of the features of the phone to steer otonomatis. To identify the pathway, the driver simply rely cell phone camera while GPS is used for navigation.

Tommi team of Sullivan, Michael Lennon and Yukito Tsunoda has won the Queensland iAward for their findings. The award was given for the category discovery of advanced technological innovations.

"Unmanned vehicles typically use a different camera or sensor or Ladar at the top of the vehicle, but the car that we have developed is unique because most of the sensors used are mobile phones," said Sullivan.

Tsunoda also added that their main goal is to implement the program and drive a car in a public environment. Team of young developers hope one day later to see people use their smart phones to drive a car.

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