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Tips to distinguish the original Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S4 China

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Went on to become the best smartphone for this year, the Samsung Galaxy S4 makes an easy target for cloning the target. This makes the anxious people who want to buy the original smartphone. But the right way is seen from a very cheap price compared with the original.

Here are ways how to distinguish the original Samsung Galaxy S4 and false.

PriceSamsung Galaxy S4 original priced at around 7 million. While the Galaxy S4 false or many say super copy / super king can be obtained at a price of 2 million. With prices murahpun you seem to be able to have a first class product.
SoftwareGalaxy S4 carries the original operating system Android 4.2.2 and Jelly Bean has been equipped with TouchWiz UI or custom made skin for Android. Galaxy S4 fake, most only use a maximum of 4 series Android early even some that still uses Android 2.3 Gingerbread, as well as the absence of TouchWiz.
Galaxy S4 comes with a myriad of applications that are not found anywhere even in GooglePlay, whereas in the Galaxy S4 fake, a lot of these features are also available, but with limitations, and some even can not be operated and only appears as a display only.
For internal storage and RAM Galaxy S4 native has recorded at 16/32/64GB internal storage and 2GB of RAM. Be checked again if everything is right capacity for it, but in the Galaxy S4 false, writing to internal storage capacity and RAM does not fit with reality.
PhysicalGalaxy S4 is a smartphone that comes with a screen size of 5 inches, but on the right and left side, there is only a thin barrier that size or smaller. On Galaxy S4 false, right and left screen border made wider than the original. With more right-left-width barrier, making the size of the screen [Galaxy S4 there is no longer a 5 inch fake but reduced several millimeters.
The home button on the original Galaxy S4 is made of hard plastic and wrapped by frame or chrome colored edges. It is located not too far down the screen. As for the clone product, the size of the home button is smaller and located far away from the screen.
In addition, to note again is the original home on the Galaxy S4 can be operated from all sides (not just have to be pressed in the middle of the course, although in the end still can operate a maximum), the color of Samsung's logo at the top of the screen, color and LED Flash size, the sensitivity of the touchscreen display.
One thing that characterizes the products made in China, though not all, is the presence of a TV antenna and features in it.
That tips distinguish the original Samsung Galaxy S4 with clones. Before buying, you should note this.

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