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Tips on Caring Touch Screen Gadget

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Almost every technology use, the touch screen started to become a trend around the year 2008. Seaktu touch screen technology has spread in low end mobile phone market presence is no longer an expensive technology. Mngerti unfortunately sometimes consumers do not care how touch screen technology.
To facilitate you in caring for your touch screen gadgets, here are some tips to keep your touch screen gadget works fine.

  1. Before you try to use the touch screen kept clean hands. Oil has the potential to conduct electricity because the oil can be a conductive medium. While the accumulation of impurities through sweat can produce conductive layer, this causes the touch screen is not accurate anymore.
  2. Temperatures are much too high is not good for a touch screen. Ha is due to the touch screen normally has 0-30 degrees Celsius operating temperature and 5 percent with less humidity. 
  3. In addition to keeping the touch screen to avoid scratches. Although the technology is already found some resistance to abrasion avoid collision because bentuan may affect the mechanism. 
  4. Always avoid direct contact with the magnetic field of touch screen technology as it can affect the system of touch screen especially electromagnet. Avoid magnetic vortex as speakers, fan, television and microwave.
  5. Because of the power of static electricity to create a layer that is on the touch screen of static electricity leaking into the main enemy for the touch screen. Even though modern technology has a touch screen equipped with a glass touch screen that does not mean the antistatic system adopts touch screen will hold up forever. To be sure to use a container or leather protector.

Another thing that should not be overlooked is charging the battery or charger. All you need do is always keep the battery in order not completely discharged. Keep the battery is always charged before the touch screen is below 20%. This is because when a weak electric battery are in the four corners of the screen will be transmitted to the point you touch. Electricity is not stable due to weak batteries will make the screen floats or even death.

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