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Three Hidden Facts about Android

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Android operating system is not denied to be a major player in the development of smartphones and other smart gadgets in the world. Data from market research institute IDC said that Android system mobile phones market, in 2012, already more than 75 percent.

But do you know, there are at least three facts about Android that escaped the attention of users. The following are the facts according to gadget fans, Lucky Sebastian:

First, so far Android has 700,000 thousand more applications that can be downloaded, free or paid, in the Google Play Store. So far it has been 48 billion downloads or about 65,000 downloads per minute at Play Store.

Secondly, have you ever noticed the names of the series Android system? Yes they are Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream, and most recently, Jelly Bean? But if you're observant, there is one of the highlights of the names. Everything is in alphabetical order! Google intentionally did it, said Lucky, just to make it more fun.

"Something good is not necessarily serious," said Lucky. Still there are 16 more letters in the alphabet list, then at least the Lucky estimates Android will remain there for eight years.

Third, the number of Android users grew rapidly in the last three years. A total of 100 million in 2011, 400 million in 2012, and in 2013 it had reached 900 million. Collect all Android-based devices that exist on earth, then the total length is 1.17 million kilometers. Equivalent of three times that distance back and forth from the earth to the moon.

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