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Tricks strengthen Mobile Signal

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Like you who live in the region urban mobile phone signal is not something that is a problem, but for those who live in the region and then a small village far from Tower certainly very disturbed signal and not the maximum, so this makes it difficult to communicate either through telephone lines or short message (SMS). Well, our team teknokers times will try to share with you who like to travel to remote areas or who are in the territory that was to strengthen the signal.

1. Try removing the "Protector" Your hp
It turns out "condom" or the usual protective shaped rubber attached to your phone it greatly affects the signal especially when in the corners, then you should be able to remove the protector.
2. Make the Roaming feature
Most of Indonesia's telecommunications companies are already utilizing Roamin features, ie, features that can be used to find the network automatically and apabiala opertor cellular signals that we use are not automatically signal will also utilize other carrier signal available in the area.
3. Wearing Signal Amplifiers
Well, if both of the above have you tried, but the results are still yet to get the most out of high signal then try using a signal booster that can catch the signal well. There is still no alternative to a signal booster, the femtocell is a device that functions like a miniature base stations. If you are within a maximum distance of 2500 feet from the device, then you will get a strong signal HP.
With all three methods above then you can get the most appropriate ways which can be used especially in your area inland, and this could also mnejadi tip for those who want to travel to the area.

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