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The importance of PageRank and Alexa Rank for Blogs

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What is Alexa Rank ?

Alexa Rank is a measure of website popularity.The rank is calculated using a combination of avarage daily visitors and page views over the past 3 month. The site with the highst combination of visitors and page views is ranked # 1

Are in easy language roughly like this: AlexaRank popularity is the measure of a Website by comparing a site with all the websites that are in a network the Internet. The Alexa rank calculation by combining average - average daily visitors of a site and the amount the number of pages of a website that is opened by the visitor. A website that is in the highest level of alexa Alexa Rank 1 has so little meaning in terms of getting the better of his Alexa ranking.

What is Pagerank ?

Pagerank is a measure of numbers that shows the importance of a website in the internet world. Depth Pagerank is 1 to 10, the highest ranking websites that have pagerank 10. Pagerank update is usually done by Google every 3 months.

No one knows for sure how google Pagerank making this assessment. Here are some factors that influence Page Rank:

  • Backlinks (links from other websites) qualified primarily from websites that have high pagerank.
  • Quality content and keywords in Google's eyes. This is important because Google will block your site has adult content, spam, hacking or malicious website in the eyes of google.
  • Keywords must match the content and content-related
  • Update your website on a regular basis is also great for the pagerank assessment
  • Neatness of php scripts or html website. To know this you can check the website validator : http://validator.w3.org/

What is the Importance Pagerank and Alexa Rank ?

Besides the factor of "Cool" because it has Google Pagerank and Alexa Rank nice, both fakor is very important especially in terms of business. Because both of these are one of the main conditions managed to rake in dollars or rupees from our website or blog. Some brokers advertising or Adsense Company implemented the requirements Pagerank and Alexa rank to a certain limit. Suppose Company Advertising Review.com, Reviewmu.com, ppcindo.com adsense and some other companies.

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