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This is Extreme Sex Culture in Japan

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Japan is known as a very polite nation, it has a culture of extreme sex. Just look, aka Japanese adult video JAV (Japanesse Adult Video), was freely sold on the market. Even legalized.

Inilah Budaya Seks yang Ekstrim di Jepang
Another unusual extremes in our culture, there is at Red Gate temple in Tokyo. Generally, the temple is a sacred place. Surprisingly, in the temple that is what made ​​the residents there as a ritual for women who want to take off her virginity.

Another temple located in the Kawasaki area. The temple held a unique festival. In this festival there is a parade event carrying a penis-shaped sculpture. In the festival made ​​a variety of objects that resemble a penis on display. This event was crowded with vendors selling a variety of sex accessories.

Sex in Japan is not a taboo. Although both uphold the oriental custom, but far inversely proportional to our country. For Japanese women over the age of 20 years, were married in a virgin state is a shameful thing. They can be regarded as a lower level in the association

Japan itself is a country that is regarded as the country's provider of sex films the most fertile in the world. In Japan, JAV movie production house special and not a lot of crime. This is because the Japanese government has legalized the industry since the 70s.

Freedom of sex in Japan is inseparable from imperial times past that allow the theater of sex. Probably similar to opera in Western countries.

Then, if the extreme cultures still carry its citizens when they move to Indonesia. To be sure, Japanese restaurants spilling in Jakarta, which not only offers Japanese specialties seems to be sufficient evidence.

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