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Easy way to verify paypal with free Payoneer debit card

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Many easy way to verify paypal, including credit card or through a virtual credit card (VCC). In addition to the above there is one more way that is currently being widely used, namely using Payoneer Debit Card. The following will explain how to verify paypal using Payoneer debit card :

1. For those who could not register Payoneer please register HERE. After the list, follow the instructions from Payoneer that was in the email. Usually there are three stages that Payoneer card, enter the delivery phase.
note : you must register using the link above to get a free $ 25 to your Payoneer account, otherwise you will not get free balance in Payoneer in point 3 you can now why to use the link above  for register Payoneer. 
2. Once the package Payoneer debit card you got home (about 15 days to 2 months), immediate activation of your card on the web Payoneer. you just need to follow the instructions given in the letter found on your Payoneer debit card package

3. Log in paypal account, make sure the balance available Payoneer few dollars (about $ 3 or more) for verification
follow the instructions as shown below to enter your credit card data

1. click on "get verified" on the front page of paypal

2. Paypal will take the balance of Payoneer is already connected to your account for $ 1.99 and $ 1.02, the transaction will be asked 4 digit code which tertetera at Payoneer, see the screenshot below

 3. enter the 4-digit code on the paypal page like this

4. if true, then there is confirmation that goes like this (there is also a confirmation via email)

 5. Look at the dashboard of your paypal account is verified

6. then wait a few moments, his money would put $ .1.99 / returned to the paypal balance

CAUTION !! : you must have funds in your Payooner (by signing up using the link above existing Payoneer you will get $ 25 for free), and have funds in paypal approximately $ 3 ..

Hope you can help other friends are still having trouble verifying paypal. :)  

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