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Pay to Click aka PTC

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Pay to click is a service that allows us to earn money from the click ads provided the pay to click it. So basically we would pay if you click on the ads .
payment of some ad clicks are highly variable, ranging between 0.1 - 0.001 .
example calculations click ads : 
PTC website call it A , there are : 
ads gold worth 0.1 by 4 ads ( 0.1 x 4 = 0.4 )
ads silver worth 0.01 by 5 ads ( 0.01 x 5 = 0.05 )
ads bronze worth 0,001 by 10 ads ( 0,001 X 10 = 0.01)

if we click on those advertisements we would get 0.46 per day .. 

You can also complete the task to get revenue from the PTC website, revenue is on offer is also diverse, ranging revenue $ 0.1 - $ 10 (pay less with an easy level and vice versa)

Minimum Payment 

we will get paid from the ads we click if we have reached the target . example in neobux , they set prices to take our payment of $ 2 at the beginning and then will go up by a request for $ 1 and reached a maximum at $ 10 , the example Probux they determine only $ 5 , then the example Silverclick they pegged $ 3 at the beginning of the payment and after the payment of the second they just set a $ 2 ..

you just need to take the time for 5 minutes to 10 minutes each day to click on the ads .. Certainly easy is not it ?

Payment Processor
Payment processor here is a virtual bank that is used to provide payment of the clicks your ad . almost all pay to click programs using Paypal, Paypal system may be in because of the good so the admin of some websites pay to click renowned not hesitate to use Paypal , paypal to account creation easy enough , you can read the article here , you can use other payment processors such Payza , SolidTrustPay , Egopay , Perfect Money , Neteller ( note : most of the pay to click website using Paypal you can see information on the list of PTC Payment Processors below ) I give the following list of PTC that are hot in the world talking about the Pay To Click to discipline because they can last a long time and be recommended admin .

Up To Per Click$0.01  
Up To Per Ref Click$0.05
Payout Minimum (Instant Payments) First PO $2 -> $6
Payment ProcessorPaypal & Payza 

Up To Per Click$0.015        
Up To Per Ref Click$0.005 
Payout Minimum (Instant Payments) $2, $3, $4, ...., $10
Payment ProcessorPaypal, Payza, Neteller

Up To Per Click$0.015        
Up To Per Ref Click$0.005
Payout Minimum (Instant Payments) $5
Payment ProcessorPaypal, Payza, Neteller  

Up To Per Click$0.01         
Up To Per Ref Click$0.008 (8 Level)
Payout Minimum(Instant Payments) $6
Payment ProcessorPaypal, Payza,
SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money,
Egopay, Webmoney

Play Clixgrid and win; $0.10 - $5
Up To Per Click$0.01         
Up To Per Ref Click$0.008 (8 Level)
Payout Minimum (Instant Payments) $6
Payment Processor Paypal


rented referral is a referral fee we can rent at a different price in each pay to click website. so basically we can get by buying direct referrals to the website administrator pay to click that we follow.

if we play the PTC strongly advised not to use the capital to focus on the purchase of rented referrals do not be too hasty to withdraw your earnings, calculated carefully to rent referrals, rent referrals because you can increase your income without spending money !

The one who should be in the account if we play Pay To Click programs , the focus to raise money to rent referrals , if you 've rented referrals you are in required at least 4 to click ads ( usually 4 ads ) , to get revenue from the click of the referral. Do not forget to monitor your rented referrals, if the average clicks generated over 2 or even 3 referrals maintained in a manner to extend their lease term. Their last click, if you have to estimate them immediately recycle recycle them. Recycle here is to replace the rented referrals you select ( click stat decreases ) with new referrals but with the same calculation examples rented referral A has reached day 25 in the recycle then get rented referral B by day 25 as well. rented referrals is also important in the account to support our revenue. remember , BELIEVE IT WILL WORK !

If you want to ask something please comment on columns have been provided ! :)

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