Bitcoin is a virtual currency which has attracted a lot of controversial people . However, the existence of Bitcoin itself is still contested by many parties . A number of countries such as China , Russia , including the Indonesian ban virtual currency that arise from this past 2009 .
Not only that , some time ago Apple was reported to have blocked the Bitcoin wallet application as a form of anti - Bitcoin statement .
But what Apple was contrary to Microsoft . According to the page reported by Cnet , Wednesday ( 12/02/2014 ) , the largest software maker in the world that just indicates its support for Bitcoin .
Microsoft rated for the existence of Bitcoin after providing Bitcoin currency converter feature on Internet-based search engine service them , Bing . This feature is only available for a while on a few specific areas , namely the United States , Australia , Canada , India , and the United Kingdom .
A major feature for Bitcoin currency is considered to be very important for its users . Because the virtual currency exchange rate often varies dramatically over time .
Until now, the origin and the inventor of Bitcoin itself is still a mystery and will only boils down to one name , namely Satoshi Nakamoto . Intangible named but it seems appropriate to describe the situation of the owner of the name Satoshi Nakamoto .
There is no record of the identity or the track record of the creation Nakamoto Bitcoin does . But the P2P Foundation's profile on the site , Nakamoto claimed to be a 38 -year -old man who lives in Japan .
Some researchers have tried to reveal the true identity of the inventor but always end stalemate . Who is Satoshi Nakamoto ? Identity remains sealed to this day .
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